As one of 31 Local Learning and Employment Networks funded by the Victorian State Department of Education, we assist in the delivery of Structured Workplace Learning, MATES Mentoring, the TAC L2P Program, hands-on activities, youth-friendly events and other important skill development initiatives.

Together with our community partners, we facilitate programs and activities that help local youth engage in education, training and other opportunities. Our focus is ensuring young people develop the skills they need to pursue employment and thrive in the workforce.

The Central Grampians region includes all of Ararat Rural City and most of the Northern Grampians Shire. Our TAC L2P Program also services the Pyrenees Shire.

Commitment to CoRE Alliance

Central Grampians LLEN is a member of the Communities of Respect and Equality (CoRE) Alliance and is committed to creating a safe, equal and respectful community that is free from violence against women and children. We also have an obligation to ensure a safe, equal and respectful workplace and to support our employees and volunteers.

Commitment to Child Safety

Central Grampians LLEN is committed to building a positive culture to support child safety and wellbeing. We endeavour to ensure children and young people feel safe, supported and respected, and that their rights, needs and interests are met in our activities and programs.

Central Grampians LLEN believes it is the shared responsibility of all board members, employees and volunteers to keep children and young people safe, and commits to protecting and safeguarding children and young people by adhering to the 11 Child Safe Standards.