Work Placements (WE, SWL, SBAT)

The Victorian Government funds Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs) to deliver the School to Work program, which involves coordinating workplace learning opportunities. Some of these work-based learning opportunities are integrated into vocational education and training (VET) programs, which can be part of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), including the VCE Vocational Major, or the Victorian Pathways Certificate.

Work Experience (WE)

WE is a short-term workplace learning experience generally undertaken by students in Years 9 and 10 as per the Ministerial Order 1413 – Work Experience Arrangements. WE allows students to shadow employers and learn more about professions that interest them. Students are provided with valuable opportunities to develop employability skills, explore possible career options, and gain knowledge of employer and workplace expectations. Students take part in WE primarily to observe and learn more about careers from industry professionals. WE is usually for a one- or two-week period and is set by individual schools. Find out more about work experience here

A Day in the Workplace model is a flexible way for students to take part in WE without the usual one-week commitment of a WE placement. Specialist schools can use this one-day model of work placement as a trial for students to practice what they learn in the classroom and apply it to the practical skills they need to move into further education, training, or employment.  

Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)

SWL placements provide students with the opportunity to integrate on-the-job experience with senior years’ study as per the Ministerial Order 1412 – Structured Workplace Learning Arrangements. SWL can be part of Vocational Education and Training (VET), the VCE Vocational Major, VCE Industry and Enterprise or the Vocational Pathways Certificate. Host employers supervise and instruct the students as they practice and extend the industry skills they have learned in their vocational programs. Students are required to attend placement a minimum of one day per week for a school term, or as nominated by the school, however the placement period can be negotiated between the employer, school, and student. Find out more about SWL here.

Our Partnerships and Pathways Coordinator can come to your school to present a School to Work Presentation outlining local industry and opportunities, how to use the portal and the process of work placement applications. If your school would like a presentation, please contact Nerissa via the details at the bottom of this page.

School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT)

An SBAT gives students paid on the job training while they complete secondary school. The SBAT student, their parent and employer sign a training contract, and the student completes a training plan with a registered training organisation, leading to a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training qualification. Regular school attendance is combined with a minimum of one timetabled day a week of employment and/or structured training.

Head Start is a program that helps students in government schools find and make the most of suitable SBAT opportunities. You can also find out more about SBATs here.

Find out more

For further details on work placements, please contact our Partnerships and Pathways Coordinator:

Benj Bailey-Webb

Phone: 03 5352 3266

Mobile: 0417 589 973


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